Pea Harvest

Among the many things I [over]planted in my raised garden beds this year were tomato plants and peas. I had one beautiful tomato growing earlier this week and what can only be presumed to have been a squirrel got hold of it before it could get out of the green stage. That put me square into the red stage. We need to get a chicken wire fence up asap, but I'm pretty helpless in that department and Craig's still out of town (but he comes home tomorrow!) so I decided it could wait.

But then these peas – the heat is so intense I'm losing my pea plants. It could be a combination of the heat, the fact that I planted too many in the same area, and also that I had nothing for them to grow up (I'm new at this, cut me some slack). So when I saw these tonight and also knew the plants are about to kick the bucket and that some furry villain might come and help themselves more than they have already I decided to go ahead and pick them tonight.

Here's what I had. They are small, but they are mighty:

Small, but proud

Okay, so they aren't really even mighty. But they are mine and I planted them and they grew! And look how cute they are in their little pod here:

Peas in a Pod

And here, my friends, is what I got from my pea plants this year. And I ate them all by myself. Raw. They were yummy.

The Whole Pea Harvest

So. Fully aware that this year's garden is still an experiment, but one I'm counting on seriously learning from so as to know exactly what to do next year, I figured whatever we grow will be for immediate consumption. Any preserving will be done via farmer's market. Bring in the green beans:

Green Beans!

I felt sorta like Ma as I cut off the ends, blanched them, cooled them, dried them, and bagged them. Four pounds of green beans. So really that's not that much but it felt like something the other night.

Puttin' em up for winter

Tomorrow I need to figure out what to do with the eggplant. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now they are staring me down. I'm not sure what I should do. Can I do something to them for the freezer? And I think the zucchini has sweet bread written all over them. Though I do like to saute them in butter as a side dish. Yum.

Anyway, that's that. I'm thinking about going to a canning class next month via University of Missouri Extension. We'll see how that goes.

Oh, and Craig comes home tomorrow night. Yay.

7 thoughts on “Pea Harvest

  1. Margaret says:

    That’s a great yield! There is nothing more satisfying than food from one’s own garden, except, perhaps nursing a baby. Congratulations!


  2. Ed Eubanks says:

    You might try pickling that eggplant, or making something like a chutney.
    I’d recommend that you pick up a copy of a book called The Big Book of Preserving the Harvest by Carol Costenbader, which has instructions, recipes, and lots of advice for canning, drying, freezing, and just about any other way to put up fresh foods. I actually got my copy from the gift shop at the Arch! (Well actually, Marcie gave it to me as a Christmas gift, but she got it there.)
    There’s a recipe for eggplant chutney in there; if you want it, I could e-mail it to you.


  3. martha68 says:

    i’m with margaret:) i would think the only hope of redeeming eggplant would be pickling. that is one of the few vegetables in this world that i have not be able to eat…as in makes me gag. it’s a shame too b/c it is such a pretty color. that’s one of the things i like about veggies is how pretty they are on the plate. on a visit to my non-veggie liking grandson, i was trying to encourage the color side of trying veggies as in try something orange? i think if i were around more often, it still might work over time. on short visits, i might as well be another stranger:( m


  4. Kristin says:

    Ok….I’m pulling out all the stops b/c I’m desperate…we have 4 extra tickets to tonight’s concert at Six Flags…David Crowder Band. Anyone here interested?


  5. Megan says:

    Ha! You might have better luck on Facebook – do you have a lot of St. Louis contacts? I can post it for you over on my FB if you’d like.
    We’re waiting for Craig to come home (actually we have to go pick him up when we get the call), otherwise, it would be tempting to consider it!


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