Interesting Finds

Here are some things I’ve seen lately worth taking note of:

Blog and Mablog: Doug Wilson on girls and education

Grant’s Farm: St. Louis folks, it’s back to school weekend at Grant’s Farm. You can park for free on Saturday and Sunday and your kids 10 and under will get a free hot dog and drink.

My family on Awkward Family Photos: One of the commentators, in their haste to make fun of my kids, mistook her homemade Easter dress for a Lilly Pulitzer. And that’s 700 kinds of awesome. Thanks for the tip, Chelsea! I stopped checking those comments a while ago.

The Pioneer Woman: Brisket. Yum, yum!

7 thoughts on “Interesting Finds

  1. Christy says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog. The praise for my hands on stuff was appreciated but most of the time I never get around to it either so that is why I decided to do these week long units with no book work to force myself to do more hands on stuff. We do 3 weeks pretty much book work and 1 week hands on stuff, but I’m pooped out after this week. It will take me 3 more weeks to gear up for the next one.


  2. Sheena says:

    Thank you for the site, I had not been on there before!!
    After one year here, we have only black out fabric hanging where drapes should be. It has been my intention to make my own drapes as made to measure (we have long windows) would be too pricey.


  3. Megan says:

    Sheena, I feel your pain. We’ve been in our house for 13 months now and my windows are still in desperate need of attention too.
    If you sign up for’s “deal of the day” you’ll get an email every night that has some kind of good deal. Sometimes it’s for something super great. I can almost always find a coupon code to use on top of those deals too. In fact, I’ve never made a purchase from them without finding a 20% off coupon code!


  4. kate o. says:

    i love that you submitted a photo to “awkward family photos.” when needing a good laugh, it’s that or “cake wrecks.” did you see that they now sell “the armshelf” mugs and hats? hilarious.


  5. Edi says:

    I used to read a lot of Douglas Wilson – but got tired of the way he’d stir folks to think…it was interesting to read the article you pointed out and to see he hasn’t changed đŸ™‚
    I have come across families where it does seem that a secondary education for daughters isn’t a “slam dunk”. For myself, when I was young and naive I figured I’d get married at 18, have a dozen kids and live on a farm – so I didn’t go to college until I was about 22 (and um realized I was getting “old” and still wasn’t married…and didn’t marry until I was almost 27).
    For all those parents that want to keep their daughters learning at home after high school – my question is – what do you do if they never get married…or don’t get married until they are much older (late 30’s). Would they have their 5 daughters (my mom had 5) stay at home and stumble over one another cleaning a spotless house? What if the parents die when the daughter is in her 30s and she has no means of supporting herself??
    Also – I don’t buy into the idea that keeping daughters uneducated benefit the future husband (or parents)…but I also believe there are many sincere families that refrain from the education of daughters for reasons that are not to “control” them.


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