Pseudo Fall Break

This is our eleventh week of school for this school year. When I planned our weeks out, I planned the first ten, thinking week 11 would be a catch-up kind of week. I had no idea then how badly I would need that now (or maybe I really did because I’ve always been that way, and it is hard-wired into the deep recesses of my brain).

Anyway, we’re finishing up one book (Miracles on Maple Hill) for Sonlight 3/4 and the last remaining chapters of the history workbook. I keep intending to do their IEW lesson for the week (but still haven’t yet), and we need to read up on science. Other than that, we’re free.

And I’m cleaning. Well, I’m intending to. Yesterday we spent the better part of the morning picking up a hog and 18 chickens:

After that whole episode, we didn’t get a whole lot of anything else done. Today, though, I did manage to check several things off my to-do list: the kitchen looks great (though I accidentally broke my desk today – long story); the dining room/school room also got some much needed attention today, and I folded about a thousand loads of laundry. Okay, so I folded five. Check, check, check.

Still, though, I’m feeling burdened. The list of what I need to do just seems to keep growing the more I check off. It’s like I’m running after it checking things off and adding things to it and I’m tired.

Tomorrow we start again, this time with a clean(er) house, but still with low intentions for school and little on the schedule. Maybe tomorrow will feel more like an actual break.

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